Specimen Tackle

Lapa Specimen Camp News

Lapa Specimen Camp - Blog Post - Specimen Tackle

Trip report from Justin van der Merwe:

Where to start 😮‍💨

This weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to fish Lapa with Alex Willers, Louis Britz and Stefan de Beer.

With a very quick early morning bite on Friday I was ecstatic as i knew that this is a tough venue, unfortunately I lost that one in the reeds.

Feeling very motivated and confident in the spots and baits I had out I put the rods back out after arriving there from work on the exact same spots as i was fishing the morning, not expecting a bite at night I got a take at around 19:30, this fish dropped the lead but on a back bite never even hooked up, I replaced that rod again and with two very small handfulls of feed over the rod it was away not to long after.

The fight felt off and weird, I was telling Louis as i was fighting this fish that it feels like one of the smaller mega’s that have been stocked in the dam but boy was i wrong, when I pulled the fish up from the darkness the bigger one of The Twins was at the end of my line, a very special thanks to Louis and Stefan for helping with landing and weighing the fish i would not have been able to do so without you guys

It came out at an official weight of 18.80kg and a new lake record for Grass Carp in Lapa.

Thanks to Alex and Eugene Kruger for the opportunity to fish this amazing piece of heaven and for managing the venue, lots and lots of effort goes into this dam behind the scenes to ensure that it is as magical as it is, will definitely be back soon.

Trip report from Stefan De Beer:

What a weekend!

I’ve arrived at Lapa with high expectation knowing that the lake holds very special fish. The two Albino Grass Carp was on top of our discussion list after Louis Britz saw the bigger of the two swimming next to the boat.

Friday night Justin van der Merwe’s rod ripped off. We could not believe our eyes, it was the bigger of the two Albino Grass Carp and his new PB weighing in at 18,85kg.

The rest of the night & Saturday was quiet with motionless rods. Saterday afternoon I’ve made a slight change in location and bait presentation. The change paid off Sunday morning just past 03:00 fish on! When the fish surfaced I  could not belive it! Another Albino Grass Carp! This was my first Grass Carp ever and what a beautiful fish weighing in at 17,65kg.

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Justin van der Merwe's PB Video

1 Comment

  1. Awesome fish congratulations to both of you

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